The Neurochemistry Research laboratory is based in Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge.
Our group consists of several team leads, postdoctoral researchers, research assistants, medical and non-medical PhD and MPhil students.
Opportunities for PhD, MPhil, and summer students projects for University of Cambridge students.
The research being conducted within the group aims to improve understanding of cerebral pathology, and to advance the care of critically ill patients in the immediate aftermath of a serious brain injury. Central to the success of the our Neurochemistry research has been the recent establishment of a 21 bed, state-of-the-art NCCU, which is where the majority of our research is conducted. We collaborate closely with the NHS to provide a productive interaction between clinical service delivery and scientific research. The quality of research being conducted by the group is considerably improved by the acquisition of high quality outcome data, which is obtained from patients attending the NCCU follow up clinic, the only one of its kind in the UK.
We have multiple ongoing collaborative partners with our colleagues in the Division of Anaesthesia, NCCU, Kotter Lab, Department of Chemistry NMR Lab, and the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre (WBIC) in order produce high quality research in the field of Neurochemistry.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains a major public health problem, particularly in young adults and children. It is the leading cause of death in those aged under 40 years in the developed world. Survivors experience varying disabilities that are often life-long, with consequent demands on carers and resources. After the initial traumatic event, the greatest clinical challenge is to limit secondary insults to the brain. After injury, complex, dynamic changes occur in the brain’s physiology and chemistry. It has been shown by research within our group that monitoring and managing these dynamic events can vastly improve patient outcome.
More details on our specific research topics can be found here.