The neurochemistry group has presented oral and/or poster presentations of their research at many national and international conferences.
Recent conferences and symposia:
SBNS 2023
Society for Neuroscience 2022
UKMedLabs Conference 2022
BNRG 2021,
Tec2Med 2021, (Online)
BNA 2021, (Online)
Brain 2021, (Online)
Neurotrauma (INTS) 2021, (Online)
BNRG 2019- British Neurosurgical Research Group Meeting, Edinburgh, UK.
EANS 2018 - The European Association of Neurosurgical Societies, Brussels, BE.
Neurotrauma 2018 - International Neurotrama Society (INTS), Totonto, CAN.
ISNI 2018 - 14th International Congress on Neuroimmuonology (International Society of Neuroimmunology)
BNRG 2018- British Neurosurgical Research Group Meeting, Sheffield, UK.
Luminex Xmap Connect 2017, Amsterdam, NL.
Outreach is also conducted through several channels including:
Video for secondary schools/college/undergraduates on research and working in neuroscience and brain injury (2021).
Video for primary schools on neuroscience and brain injury (2019).
ITV feature on RESCUE-RACER study. Also BrainMIC NIHR outreach video.
Public Lecture for Global Brain Injury Neurotrauma Symposium hosted by the Royal Geographical Society.
The Cambridge Science Festival - group members have organised in hands-on workshops in previous years and assisted the CamBRAIN Neuroscience Society stall.
The Cambridge Admissions Widening Participation Program - group members give interactive lectures and workshops in neuroscience for both 13-16 and 16-18 years.
Pint of Science - volunteer for the 'Beautiful Minds' series.
CamBrain's 'Neurotalks' series, presented several TED-like talks.
and many more...